Reselling your preloved items allows you to detox your closet. But when it comes to selecting the pieces from your wardrobe to resell, it can be hard to know what to select, and most of all what we will select and accept for resale. 

Here's 5 tips
and guidelines for you to lean on when going through your closet.

1. Wear - Care - Recycle.

First of all..if you want to resell your preloved items it's all about taking care of them. Wear yes, but take care and then recycle your preloved items in our shop by reselling them. Wear and tear is inevitable, but we are very selective when it comes to picking only the best pieces. By taking care of your items there is a much bigger chance of finding someone who will have a newfound love for your old preloved pieces.

2. Think Seasonal.

Some styles sell all year round, but a lot of pieces are seasonal and will only sell at a certain time of year. If you wanna make sure that we accept your items and that they actually sell, make sure to bring them in at the right time. Bright and summery colors and patterns sell during spring and summer, where as darker tones will do all year round. Usually we start accepting seasonal pieces 2-3 weeks before a season changes. When that's said, it is of course always determined by the weather also.

3. Be Brand Selective.

We do have a wide selection of brands, but our main focus is scandinavian brands. Some of the brands you will find in our shop have been around for years, but mostly we will not accept a piece more than 3 years old. Please note that we do not accept vintage items. You can keep updated on our preferred brands here.

4. It's All About Presentation.

When bringing in your items it's a must that everything is clean and washed upon hand-in. Shoes must be wiped and cleaned. Please note that items with stains, smell or flaws will not be accepted. Do yourself a favor and go over your pieces before packing will save you the trouble of having to bring your items back home again.

5. Leave Those Tags on.

They can be annoying and itchy, but when removing a brand tag it is not possible for us to accept your piece. We will not be able to guarantee our customers where the item originates and by that, it's also very hard to price the item with no brand tag. So keep those tags on!

And then remember; we only sell what we love! We strive to keep our selection as diverse as possible and we reserve the right to say no if we assess that the item does not fit our selection or current brandlist. 

We accept hand-in's Monday - Friday 11am - 5.30 pm and Sunday 11am-3.30pm.
Please note that we do not accept hand-in's on Saturdays.